Sunday, August 27, 2006

Donut dry run?

Today was supposed to be the day for the dry run of at least some of the Donut Derby, sans donuts. Donut need any practice there! Weather proved to be anything but dry. Nice thing about road riding is there is no run. Met Cody in the parking lot, asked a few questions, found out he expected an easy 18mph average and I skedaddled. Drove the first part of the course. Appears to be mostly flat, shouldn't be to tough out of the gate. Made it to the park with only a few wrong turns. It had stopped raining for the most part so hopped out of the HEMI and on to two wheels.

Rain started up about 5 minutes later, lightly at first, then progressed through the rest of the ride. Cody had said, water is water, guess he had a point. Had to adjust the seat up a bit at the bank about 1.5 miles in. Some pain in my right kneecap and to reading led to the quick fix. Went up about 3/4 inch and it made a world of difference. Had some problems at 2nd turn, then again at 3rd turn and 5th turn. Added about 3 miles to what it should have been so that was good. Some decent hills on the wrong turns tested the quads a bit. About 8 miles in i felt myself turning into a machine and just pedaling without thinking. Loved it. Shoes were filled with water, I need to get different socks for sure. Can't wait for the shoes to come in, they would have made a world of difference. STILL no update on the UPS site since departure in CA. I really hope they come tomorrow like it says so I can get these things broken in. Pretty much set on going with SPD pedals right away. Tomorrow would be nice!

Third leg looks like it will be tough. More uphills it seemd then the first 2, twists and turns. Plus 25 miles on the legs and it should be interesting. Going to pick up so goo when I get the pedals. have a feeling I am going to need it. It would be nice to have a little bigger 3rd front ring. Was ahead of it quite a bit and spent at least 50% of the time turned all the way up.

In all, had a fantastic time. Legs held up well, could have gone way longer, but got a little tired of the rain and the constant spray in my face and soggy shoes. Would have been even easier if I knew where I was going and could just pedal and not look at the cue and make wrong turns.

I think I am going to do the donut derby, at least give it a shot. With the confidence of today, plus hopefully the new pedals and shoes, should be a good time, one I can hopefully finish.

15.4 miles 14.7 average 1:05 of wheels turning.

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