Monday, August 14, 2006

Stands weekend

Aug 11-13, Windy Hill Farm. God I needed that, it's so weird without Joe. Stayed at Melvins. Fished Beaver Lake on friday and did some scouting for a different stand location in the pipestems. I just love that bottom corner by the intersection. Give it 1 more year and hopefully some good time in the stand and see how it produces. Found 2 different sets of 3 bear beds. Pipestems are so freakin thick with briars and raspberries. They have to be walking the roads. Chicory and buckwheat look fantastic. Corn at the top by the triangle. Chickory didn't come up for crap in the woods. Went to the sports bar in hughesville, wings were outstanding.

Saturday put the pipestems intersection stand in. It was a breeze. Walked Carl's a bit and found a location for a stand right at the middle road. Nice location, not totally sold on it, but it will be new scenery. Havn't stood Carl's since Brett's stonefence stand 6 years ago and the stand at the end my first year. I needed a morning stand and this will work. Doesn't seem smart to keep screwing up that field in the morning. The inevitable stampede can't be good for things.

Put up a 20 footer for Jimbo 20 yds from my 2nd stand at the end by Paul. Great gun stand, lets see if anyone stands it. The criss crosss straps around the tree were a life saver. Jimmy A put in a stand about 100 yards downhill from Old Faithful. It's real low from the road, but if they come from the hemlocks, it's an outstanding stand.

Saw at least 2 bears back by the swamp. Mother was acting awful motherly and circled back on us. A tense few minutes with the 4 wheelers ready to rip, but no charge or anything. Really neet seeing those things.

Saturday I played monkey for Melvin and put in 2 stands. Rehashed the food plot where I fell out with a new 20 footer. Hairy as always, but got it. He closed the deal on 39 acres saturday from Rock Bottom. Gorgeous property, it's going to be thick as hell. Can't wait for the season. I need to start practicing more.

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