Monday, September 07, 2009

Disc Golf

This is just a place holder more than anything else so some day if I ever look back, I have a date.

I started playing disc golf last week. Technically, I started playing with Shemp and Blazo about a month ago before the Gov't Mule concert. It is really up my alley. Woods and enough technical to be interesting and minorly obsessive.

So far I have played South Mountain three times, great lunchtime getaway. I also played Jordan and Lehigh Parkway this weekend. My original problem was a hard hook to the right, 100% opposite of my golf swing. I seem to have that mostly straightened out, no pun intended.

Distance is what kicks my arse at this point, though I am seeing gradual improvement. I was getting 45-50 paces which is a pathetic 150' at jordan. Yesterday at the parkway, I had a couple 62's which is about 190 ish. I can't believe these guys throw 300. I feel like I am giving it all I have in the throw, so I guess it will be a technique thing.

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