Monday, September 04, 2006

Donut Delight

Absolutely outstanding day. Finished the race without an issue. Could have kept going actually. 4 donuts first stop, 3 the second. Dude who won ate 17, apparantly 15 the first time! Phil came in second in his class and ate 13 I think. Mine are sitting like a rock, but I felt good during the race.

Started off pre-race with the camelback and didn't see a single other one on so opted for the frozen gatorade as the sole source of fluids. Felt pretty good and airy actually. Didn't need much of the gatorade.

Start was relatively uneventful and first 3/4 mile was SLOW. Once around the first turn things seperated out quickly. Met up with Liz and Chuck and had a nice ride. I went out a little fast and it was WINDY. Worst was about 2 miles from finish, wind dead on and had to be 20mph. That really took it out of me, thank god it was at the end. Liz and Mat boogeyed on ahead after about 5 miles as my quads started to really tighten up. Chuck and I caught up with them about 5 miles later and helped Liz fix her blowout and get her back on the road. Quads loosened up during that and never looked back the rest of the day. 4 donuts first stop, bathroom break and a bottle of water and back on the road. Rode with Matt for a while, seems like a nice guy. He didn't get into the race, person in front of him in line got the last pass. He peeled off on his new bike to see his dad and Liz and I pretty much rode together the rest of the day. Rest of the race was uneventful. Long sections of just pedaling, no thoughts going through my head, feeling like a machine. Exactly what the Dr ordered, I don't get that level of peace much.

Heading into the wind at the end just about whopped me, but got some encouragement from Liz, jammed the GT into high and pedaled like hell.

I will definately do this again. I got 37.2 miles on the computer, 15.2 average, 2:24 of pedal time. I am going to be sore tomorrow, but who cares. I want to do this road thing again.

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