Friday, May 08, 2009

Uber Light Pale Ale

RDWHAHB, RDWHAHB he says. Brewhouse efficiency, was about 64.3 to as low as 57 ish. Not exactly sure on volumes and that makes a big difference. Ended up at 1.040. Pretty far off the 1.046-48 I thought I would hit. We shall see how it turns out. According to here that kind of efficiency should have seen me with 9 lbs pale malt, not 7.5. Glad I did not go with 6.5!

7.5lbs Pale Malt
0.62lbs Malted Wheat
.5 Munich Malt
.687 Crystal 20

5:40 Fired 3.5 gals in HLT
5:58 Hit 152, left 3 cups in hlt.
6:08 Stirred 151
6:21 150
6:28 150 Stirred in 2 cups boiling water, no change
6:42 149
7:00 148 Fired 3.75 gals sparge water
7:20 168 batch sparge
7:27 160 uncovered
7:38 Ran off 1 gal then emptied
7:57 added 1 gallon 168 with 6 in brew kettle
8:13 boil
8:23 .5oz Nugget (60min)
8:36 added 3 quarts of 3rd run
9:07 1/2 tsp yeast nutrient in 1/2 cup warm water to hydrate and added whirlfloc to kettle (15 min)
9:12 added yeast nutrients (10 min)
9:15 (7 mins) added 1 oz each Willamette and Cascade
9:22 Flameout, 1 oz Cascade 0 min
15 minute rest
9:37 Chiller in
10:45 Pitched Wyeast 1056 70f

Update: May 23 dryhopped 1oz of cascade. All the marbles in 1 bag still didn't get it to sink.

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